In House Training Programs
The Office of Environmental, Health and Safety offers a variety of OSHA and EPA required training programs to the College community, including the Physical Plant, Residence Life, Art Department, Theatre Arts, the Sciences, and the Department of Public Safety. These services provide our employees with an appropriate level of training for maintaining OSHA compliance, as well as aiding in the development of a healthy and well informed work force. To learn more about these programs, click on the links below.
BloodBorne Pathogens: How to recognize and eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to potentially infectious blood and/or bodily fluids.
Confined Space: How to identify and work safely in confined spaces.
Fall Protection: How to reduce the risk of injury when working at heights 6 feet or more above ground level.
Fork, Scissor, Aerial Lift Safety: How to safely operate manned mechanical lifts on campus.
Hazard Communication/Right-to-Know: How to recognize and work safely with hazardous chemicals, and how to read Safety Data Sheets and labels on containers.
Hearing Conservation: How and when to use hearing protection in the workplace.
Lockout/Tagout: How to identify, shut down and control the potential release of stored energy.
Mold Exposure: How to deal with Mold and its causes on campus.
Personal Protective Equipment: How to select and use the appropriate personal protective apparel for a specific task.
Respiratory Responsibility Program: How to properly select and maintain respirators; how and when to use respirators.
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Harkins LL18
Greg Myers
Environmental Compliance Officer