Environmental Compliance

Providence College is a small college community which, in many ways, emulates a small city or town. As such, we are subject to complying with many of the environmental laws that they are.
There are several government agencies that have jurisdiction over many of PC’s activities. Things such as underground fuel tanks, emissions from the power plant smoke stack, chemicals that are used in the science building, and waste water from on campus laundry machines are all highly regulated in order to ensure that we as a campus do not pollute or contaminate the environment.
The office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) strives to ensure that Providence College complies with all Federal, State and local environmental laws, rules, and regulations. The links to the left provide information on the what, where and how we comply with these regulations. For more information or questions about any of these matters, you can contact our office at 865-1585.
Helpful Links
Greg Myers
Environmental Compliance Officer
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Harkins LL18